Summer is here!

Don’t forget to get OUTSIDE! It is the perfect time to work on gross motor skills. Here are a few wonderful activities”

1.) WHEN YOUR GRASS NEEDS CUTTING: Take your little toddler for a walk and have him or her walk through the tall grass. This is especially good for those kiddos with weaker hips and legs.

2.) Sit on a blanket: Sit outside and enjoy the cool breeze under a tree while on a blanket. You can work with a young baby on all the wonderful sitting skills and strategies that you have learned with your therapist. This is a great way to work on tummy time too. Your baby will love all the new sights and sounds and be more distracted, making it easier to keep him or her in this position.

3.) For the older kids or walking toddlers: Go for a walk and take your time! Don’t be in a rush or worry about the actual distance. Stop to look at an insect on the sidewalk, show your child a wild flower (don’t get me started on weeds–I LOVE them  — They are the BEST!). Clover flower necklaces, pop weeds, dandelions (before seeds they are so pretty and after they make excellent practice for blowing). There are leaves, rocks, sticks… MUCH to play with. Show your child how a stick comes from a tree limb.That is not so obvious to your child as you might think. The tree “trash” we used to call it is the “stuff” beneath a tree. It tells you what type of tree you are under. Look for acorns–what tree is that???? Get the idea?

4.) WATER!!! First, drink plenty of it to stay hydrated. Get out a hose and let it run on the driveway. Practice stomping through the water. Get a bucket from your beach bag and a new paint brush: “Paint” whatever you want with the water. See my pages on summer activities. The ideas are simply endless.

Get outside and get moving!  It will be over before you know it!

For more ideas on how to play to enhance development, click HERE for available books.

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